
I am a survivor of sexual and other abuse in my childhood, as well as domestic violence and partner rape. As I began to heal, it occurred to me that many of the things I had felt in the abusive relationship were things I had felt much earlier as an abused child. While it is… Continue reading Revictimization

Speaking Out: The Benefits for Survivors of Sexual Assault

In Trauma and Recovery, Judith Herman writes, “Many survivors seek the resolution of their traumatic experience within the confines of their personal lives. But a significant minority, as a result of the trauma, feel called upon to engage in a wider world.” 1 I have been feeling that “call to engage in the wider world” for… Continue reading Speaking Out: The Benefits for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Accepting our Broken Bits: Never “Over It” But Still Healing

For reasons that will become obvious further on, the title of this article is a nod to the wonderful Shy Keenan, activist and survivor of horrific child sexual and other abuse. This article is also dedicated to Susan with loving thanks, and to survivor/author Marla Handy for a fantastic book and DVD. Introduction This article… Continue reading Accepting our Broken Bits: Never “Over It” But Still Healing

Memory and Sexual Assault

The following studies are taken from an article titled “Repressed Memory: What the Science says” (From “Accuracy About Abuse” May 1997): Professor Alan Schefflin, Santa Clara University Law School and Dr. Daniel Brown reviewed 25 recent studies (spring 1996) on Amnesia for childhood sexual abuse. They state: “No study failed to find it….Amnesia for childhood… Continue reading Memory and Sexual Assault

Eating Disorder Definitions

What is Anorexia Nervosa? Anorexia nervosa, in the most simple terms, is self-starvation. Anorexics (anorectic is also correct usage) are typically described as “walking skeletons”, a graphic image that depicts the pallor and frailty of these struggling individuals. Anorexics are also often characterized as stubborn, vain, appearance-obsessed people who simply do not know when to… Continue reading Eating Disorder Definitions

Stalking: Facts and Resources

All rights reserved, except that permission is hereby granted to freely reproduce and distribute this document, provided that it is reproduced unaltered in its entirety and contains this copyright information: Stalking is a serious problem, and entails a deliberate pattern of threatening or annoying behavior in the form of following you, threats, phone calls,… Continue reading Stalking: Facts and Resources

Categorized as Stalking


Because of myths that state that only stranger rape is real rape, and that partner rape is less serious and harmful than other kinds of rape, you may think that there is something wrong with you for feeling distress about it. Be assured you’re experiencing a normal response to abnormal behavior. Studies reveal that partner… Continue reading SHORT AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF INTIMATE PARTNER SEXUAL ASSAULT

It’s all OVER . . .

Submitted by Louise Moderator Note: Pandy’s member whatnow wrote this wonderful, inspiring article and kindly granted permission for us to have it for the board. If you wish to use it, you also need to secure whatnow’s permission. Today a half dozen or so other domestic abuse survivors and I spent the better part of the… Continue reading It’s all OVER . . .

Open Letter to Teenage Girl Survivors of Sexual Assault and Those Who Know Them

For Teenage girl survivors of Child sexual abuse and rape: Are you somebody who has been sexually abused in childhood or more recently? Perhaps you feel that you are no good, and that what has happened to you is all your fault. Maybe you’ve decided that there is no point in trying to be different… Continue reading Open Letter to Teenage Girl Survivors of Sexual Assault and Those Who Know Them