For Women Raped by Husbands or Boyfriends

Information about relationship rape, beyond a few excellent studies or pieces in books, is not common, yet the act of rape in relationships is. Rape by somebody you have been sexually intimate with is often not seen as ‘real’ rape. Society takes the dangerously limited view that ‘real’ rape happens in alleyways or parks, the… Continue reading For Women Raped by Husbands or Boyfriends


Because of myths that state that only stranger rape is real rape, and that partner rape is less serious and harmful than other kinds of rape, you may think that there is something wrong with you for feeling distress about it. Be assured you’re experiencing a normal response to abnormal behavior. Studies reveal that partner… Continue reading SHORT AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF INTIMATE PARTNER SEXUAL ASSAULT

It’s all OVER . . .

Submitted by Louise Moderator Note: Pandy’s member whatnow wrote this wonderful, inspiring article and kindly granted permission for us to have it for the board. If you wish to use it, you also need to secure whatnow’s permission. Today a half dozen or so other domestic abuse survivors and I spent the better part of the… Continue reading It’s all OVER . . .

Is Your Abusive Partner Truly Changing?

Submitted by Patricia From Signs That (S)He Has Changed (S)He is willing to wait however long it takes for his/her partner’s trust to be rebuilt, and does not pressure partner to forgive or reconcile until the partner is ready. (S)He does not say or do things that threaten or frighten the partner. (S)He listens to… Continue reading Is Your Abusive Partner Truly Changing?