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Coping with Anniversaries


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v Go out with your friends

v Go shopping

v Go to lunch/dinner

v Go to the movies

v Have a day at the Spa

v Celebrate your survival/be happy to be alive

v Do something positive

v Buy yourself chocolates, flowers, a cake, something special

v But comforting things the day before for the next day: bath stuff, candles, books

v Plan distractions

v Throw a party

v Be alone, cry

v Get angry

v Figure out what YOU need

v Comfort yourself

v Ignore it

v Take the day off work/school

v Plan structure for the day

v If on a holiday, celebrate the holiday in a new way… set new traditions

v Remember, you are in control

v Plan a day trip or a vacation

v Post on Pandy's

v Chat on Pandy's

v Go to a concert

v Attend therapy on that day

v Spend the day with your significant other

v Get a babysitter for the kids

v Give yourself permission to feel what you need to feel

v Do something major like go skydiving or bungee jumping

v Play a tree or flower in remembrance

v Grieve

v Get a tattoo

v Have a "survivor party"

v If it's a hard day, call a hotline and tell them "it's my anni"

v Dye your hair

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